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document Choi2007.ppt Popular

By 1676 downloads

Good Practices Result Report - Sizewell "B" Plant Benchmarking
By J.H. Choi, Kori NPP, KHNP, Republic of Korea

document Hayashida2007.ppt Popular

By 1454 downloads

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TEPCO's ALARA Program (Basic Policy of Mid and Long-Term Exposure Reduction)
By T. Hayashida, TEPCO, Japan

document Hayashida_Y_2007.ppt Popular

By 1627 downloads

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Occupational exposure at Japanese Nuclear Power Plant in 2006
By Y. Hayashida, JNES, Japan

document Hunsicker2007.ppt Popular

By 1525 downloads

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An Overview of the PWR ALARA Association
By J. Hunsicker, PWR ALARA Association, USA

document Kim2007.ppt Popular

By 1416 downloads

The Improvement of ALARA for the Steam Generator Maintenance
By S/C. Kim, Ulchin NPP, KHNP, Republic of Korea

document Kim_HG_2007.ppt Popular

By 1363 downloads

Implementation Program of Two-dosimeter Algorithm for Better Estimation of Effective Dose during Maintenance Periods at KNPPs
By H.G. Kim, Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Republic of Korea

document Kim_JI_2007.ppt Popular

By 1703 downloads

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Estimation of the effects of a lead vest on dose reduction for NPP workers using Montecarlo Calculation
By J.I. Kim, KHNP, Republic of Korea

document Kim_WT_2007.ppt Popular

By 1822 downloads

Topical Aspects on Monitoring Airborne Radioactive Effluents from NPPs
By W.T. Kim, KINS, Republic of Korea

document Kobayashi_1_2007.ppt Popular

By 1362 downloads

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Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake and its Influences on the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPP - Part I
By Wataru Mizumachi, Masahide Kobayashi, JNES, Japan

document Kobayashi_2_2007.ppt Popular

By 1728 downloads

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Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake and its Influences on the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPP - Part II
By Wataru Mizumachi, Masahide Kobayashi, JNES, Japan

document Lazo2007.ppt Popular

By 1926 downloads

ISOE : An Overview
By Ted Lazo, ISOE Secretariat, OECD/NEA

document Lee2007.ppt Popular

By 1472 downloads

CCTV System for Radiation Work Management
By G.J. Lee, Yonggwang NPP, KHNP, Republic of Korea

document Na2007.ppt Popular

By 1477 downloads

A New Monetary Value Model for ALARA Practices in NPPs
By Dr. S.H. Na, KINS, Republic of Korea

document Onitsuka2007.ppt Popular

By 1405 downloads

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Application of cavitation jet technique to operating nuclear power plant
By H. Onitsuka (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.), F. Nakao (Nuclear Plant Service Engineering Co., LTD), Japan

document Ozil2007.ppt Popular

By 2169 downloads

Considerations regarding Personal Protective Equipment against Radioactive Contamination related to ALARA Aspects. French and European Work Management.
By S. Ozil, Delta Protection - Sperian Group, France

document Sung2007.ppt Popular

By 1574 downloads

Reduction Method of Spent Resin Generated from SG BD Ion Exchangers of PWR NPPs
By K.B. Sung, KHNP, Republic of Korea

document Tran2007.ppt Popular

By 1559 downloads

Remoting Monitoring Study at U.S. Nuclear Power Plants
By P. Tran, EPRI, USA

document Yoon2007.ppt Popular

By 1958 downloads

Shielding Establishment Inside Steam Generator 2 (C/L)
By Y.H. Yoon, Yonggwang NPP, KHNP, Republic of Korea