Folder National Regulations


pdf Diaz2018.ppt

Operational Radiological Protection Regulatory Treatment applied to the Implementation of the Containment Filtered Venting System and the Alternative Emergency Management Center
P. Diaz Arocas, M. L. Rosales, J. Peña, T. Labarta, CSN, Spain
2018 ISOE European Symposium (Uppsala, Sweden)

pdf Togasaki2015.ppt

Revision of regulation for radiation exposure on emergency workers
By K. Togasaki, Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), Japan
2015 ISOE Asian Symposium (Tokyo, Japan)

pdf Yasui2015.ppt

Preparedness for Future Nuclear Emergencies -Based on Lessons Learned from TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi NPP Accident-
By S. Yasui, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan
2015 ISOE Asian Symposium (Tokyo, Japan)