Welcome to the ISOE Website

The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) was created in 1992 to provide a forum for radiation protection professionals from nuclear electricity licensees and national regulatory authorities worldwide to share dose reduction information, operational experience and information to improve the optimisation of radiological protection at nuclear power plants.

ISOE is jointly sponsored by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Latest news

  • Don't forget to login in order to access to restricted documents and resources

The pdf ISOE Strategic Programme Plan (2016-2019) (335 KB) provides an overview of the direction of the ISOE Programme in order to fulfill its mission as a leading network in operational radiation protection (ORP) at Nuclear Power Plants. The specific activities to be undertaken in meeting programmatic goals, and the procedures to be used, are also described.

Next ISOE meetings

  • ISOE Bureau meeting
    14 May 2024 (teleconference)
  • WGDECOM, 16th meeting
    October 2024 (venue and dates TBD)
  • 34th ISOE Management Board
    2-5 December 2024 (EDF Nuclear Division HQ, Saint-Denis, France)
  • ISOE Bureau meeting
    5 December 2024 (EDF Nuclear Division HQ, Saint-Denis, France)

Upcoming Events

2024 ISOE European Symposium
June 4-6, 2024, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2024 ISOE International Symposium
Mid-September to October 2024, Kyoto, Japan

2025 ISOE North-American Symposium
January 14-16, 2025, Clearwater Beach, USA