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Visually indicative paint for detecting radioactive surfaces
By J.-F. Chung, Korea Industrial Testing Co., Republic of Korea

pdf DS-Shin2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Dose Reduction through Optimized operation method at High Radiation Area
By D.-S. Shin, Hana Inspection & Engineering Co., Republic of Korea

pdf GJ-Lee2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Evolution of radioactive waste management
By G.J. Lee, Yonggwang NPP, Republic of Korea

pdf Hayashida2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Work Management to Optimize Occupational Radiological Protection at NPPs
By Y. Hayashida, JNES, Japan

pdf HG-Kim2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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A Draft Suggestion on the Dose Constraints for Korean NPPs based on ICRP-103 Recommendations
By H.-G. Kim, KEPCO Research Institute, Republic of Korea

pdf HS-Lee2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Automatic Multiple Tritium Sampler
By H.-S. Lee, SAE-AN Engineering Co., Republic of Korea

pdf J-Shin2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Tritium Release Reduction based on Release Trend Analysis
By J. Shin, Wolsong NPP, Republic of Korea
Distinguished Paper at 2010 ISOE Asian ALARA Symposium (Gyeongju, Republic of Korea)

pdf Jang2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Decontamination of Metal Radwastes using Machine Tools
By D.-S. Jang, Sunkwang Atomic Energy Safety Co., Republic of Korea

pdf Jeong2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Recent Regulatory Activities to improve ALARA performance of NPPs in Korea
By G.-H. Jeong, KINS, Republic of Korea

pdf JI-Kim2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Current Status of Radiological Protection in NPPs of Korea
By J.-I. Kim, KHNP, Republic of Korea

pdf Jin2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Development of Electric Steam Type Dryer for Radiation Controlled Area
By G.-J. Jin, ILJIN Radiation Engineering Co., Republic of Korea

pdf Jun2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Improvements of ADR System
By J.-M. Jun, Ulchin NPP, Republic of Korea

pdf Leem2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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ALARA Optimization Compressed air filtration for Breathing
By S.-G. Leem, Hanil Nuclear Co., Republic of Korea

pdf Masaki2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Management of Occupational Exposure Dose using Entrance/Exit Processing System in Shika Nuclear Power Plant
By T. Masaki, Hokuriku Electric Power Co., Japan

pdf Matsubara2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Development of Hi-F Coat for Carbon Steel Piping
By H. Matsubara, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Japan

pdf MK-Kim2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Experimental study about Optimized Weight for radioactive waste drums as their type
By M.-K. Kim, KNDT Co., Republic of Korea

pdf Na2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Radiation Protection Culture
By S.-H. Na, KINS, Republic of Korea

pdf Park2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Radiation safety management practices in 19th preventative maintenance of Kori unit 4 and future plans
By S.-H. Park, Korea Nuclear Engineering Co., Republic of Korea

pdf Suzuki2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Outline of Occupational Exposure at Japanese NPPs in FY 2009 and the ISOE ATC Activity
By A. Suzuki, JNES, Japan

pdf Yoon2010_ppt.pdf Popular

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Operation of Remote Monitoring and Video telephony system for Advanced RP
By W.-S. Yoon, Ulchin NPP, Republic of Korea
Distinguished Paper at 2010 ISOE Asian ALARA Symposium (Gyeongju, Republic of Korea)

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Approach for dose reduction in Sendai NPS
By M. Yoshinaga, Kyushu Electric Power Co., Japan