Folder Session 1: Regulatory Aspects


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Definition and access to restricted areas regarding radiation protection issues - the innovative expertise process launched by the French Safety Authority
By O. Couasnon, ASN, France

Part 2: C. Schieber, CEPN, France

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Ongoing Efforts of HERCA on the Harmonisation of the Radiological Monitoring Systems for Outside Workers
By A. Fremout (FANC, Belgium), I. Amor Calvo (CSN, Spain), B. Griciene (RSC, Lithuania), G. Frasch (BfS, Germany), R. Havukainen (STUK, Finland), M. Lehtinen (STUK, Finland), S. Léonard (FANC, Belgium), S. Mundigl (EC, Luxembourg), M. Nettleton (HSE, United Kingdom), M.-L. Perrin (ASN, France), I. Petkov (ABV, Bulgaria), M. Skarzewski (PAA, Poland), N. Svilicic (DZRNS, Croatia), C. Thijssen (SZW, Netherlands), S. Walker (HSE, United Kingdom)

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Dose Constraints and other Policy and Practical Issues in Occupational Radiation Protection
By G. Frasch (BfS, Germany), M. Pinak (OECD/NEA, France), T. Lazo (OECD/NEA, France)

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Regulatory Approach to Radiation Protection in new NPPs in Finland
By V. Riihiluoma, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK), Finland

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International survey on the classification of areas
By C. Schieber, CEPN, France

Part 1: O. Couasnon, ASN, France

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Radiation Safety as an Object of Licensing of New Nuclear Units in the Czech Republic
By L. Urbančík, State Office for Nuclear Safety, Czech Republic