Folder Session 7: Decommissioning


pdf Buckermann2012.ppt Popular

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Radiation Protection at Decommissioning Stage
By R. Buckermann, AREVA NP GmbH, Germany

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Radiation Protection during Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities – Experiences and Challenges
By J. Kaulard, C. Schmidt, E. Strub, GRS, Germany

pdf Routtier2012.ppt Popular

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Positioning and Sizing of the Storage Buildings of Used Up Steam Generators
By J. Routtier, T. Canal, X. Michoux, EDF CIPN, France
Distinguished Paper at the 2012 ISOE European Symposium (Prague, Czech Republic)

pdf Slavik2012.ppt Popular

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Shovel Monitor for Sorting of Loose Decommissioning Materials from NPP
By O. Slávik, A.Slaninka, M. Listjak, K. Kravarik (VÚJE, Inc.), I. Pély (JAVYS, Inc.), Slovakia