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pdf S01 Zhang2024.ppt Popular

By 100 downloads

Highlights on RP Activities at OECD NEA
Y. Zhang, OECD NEA
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S02-2 Perkins2024 Popular

By 101 downloads

Radiation Protection Aspects for Advanced Reactors
D. Perkins, R. Vaghetto, EPRI, USA
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S02-3 Poirrier-Longeot2024.ppt

By 84 downloads

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Designer/Operator Work Program for the Radiation Protection Design of EPR2
S. Poirrier, M. Longeot, Edvance, France
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S02-5 Poirrier-Lafranque2024.ppt

By 88 downloads

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Decision-Making Method for the Installation of Valves Remote Controls at the Design Stage of a NPP
S. Poirrier (Edvance), E. Lafranque, C. Schieber (CEPN), France
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S04-1 Iltis2024.ppt

By 82 downloads

An Efficient Bayesian Algorithm for Localizing Contaminants in Nuclear Waste: Application on 3D Imaging of Waste Drums
A. Iltis (Damavan Imaging), N. Le, H. Snoussi (Troyes University of Technology), France
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands) 

pdf S04-2 Bourdeloie2024.ppt

By 91 downloads

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Gamma-camera: An Innovative Tool for Limiting Dosimetry and Contribute to the Operational Performance of Radiation Protection
R. Bourdeloie, M. Lestang (EDF UNIE-GPEX, France)
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S04-3 Nestle2024.ppt

By 84 downloads

Real-Time Monitoring of PWR CRUD Bursts & Fuel Defect Using Pixelated CZT Spectra
B. Eick (Point Beach NPP), D. Nestle (H3D), USA
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S05-2 Calavia2024.ppt

By 74 downloads

Digital Radiological Passbook Application
I. Calavia, M. Rosales, G. Ponjuan, P. Díaz, E. Pintado, E. Ferreras, I. Villanueva, CSN, Spain
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S05-3 DeWith2024.ppt

By 84 downloads

Dose Registration System in The Netherlands and Europe
G. de With, NRG, The Netherlands
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S05-4 Kvasnicka2024.ppt

By 94 downloads

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Electronic Dosimetry Management System Replacement at Temelín NPP - Challenges and Solutions
O. Kvasnička, Temelín NPP, Czechia
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S06-1 Peretti2024.ppt

By 82 downloads

Repair of Welds with Degradation due to Stress Corrosion in Primary Circuit Piping: Operational Insights from 2023
C. Peretti, EDF DIPDE, France
Distinguished Paper at 2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S06-2 Kozole-Jamnik2024.ppt

By 90 downloads

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Krško NPP Slovenia 2023 Projects
M. Kozole, J. Jamnik Srpčič, Krško NPP, Slovenia
NATC Young Health Physicists Distinguished Paper Award
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S07-3 Novak2024.ppt

By 85 downloads

NPP Krško – Spent Fuel Dry Storage Project (SFDS)
D. Novak, M. Pavlin, Krško NPP, Slovenia
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S08-1 Beltrami2024.ppt

By 93 downloads

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Radiation Protection Issues in the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities: Lessons Learned from the ISOE WGDECOM
L-A. Beltrami (ISOE European Technical Centre – CEPN, France
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S11-2 Parlone2024.ppt

By 80 downloads

Benefit of Practical RP Simulation Training to Improve Safety Performance
R. Parlone, J. Say, Sizewell B NPP, UK
Distinguished Paper at 2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S12-1 Lestang2024.ppt

By 89 downloads

Roadways Controls: A New Device that guarantees Measurements and Contamination Detection
M. Lestang, C. Dabat-Blondeau, Maxime Karst (EDF UNIE-GPEX), Adrien Sponem (Bugey NPP), France
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S12-2 Suzuki2024.ppt

By 86 downloads

Application of New Techniques (such as Robots or Drones) used at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station to ALARA
T. Suzuki, Fukushima Daiichi NPP, Japan
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf S12-3 Desgranges2024.ppt

By 69 downloads

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Innovative Alpha-Detection System based on Radiochromic Diacetylenic Monomer
V. Desgranges, C. Monier, A. Guimet, EDF R&D, France
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf Synthesis of the Regulatory Body Representatives Meeting

By 81 downloads

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Conclusions from the Regulatory Body Representatives Meeting
held in Rotterdam on 3 June 2024
P. Arends, ANVS, Netherlands
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

pdf Synthesis of the RPM Meeting

By 79 downloads

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Conclusions from the Radiation Protection Managers Meeting
held in Rotterdam on 3 June 2024
H. Meijer, Borssele NPP, Netherlands
2024 ISOE European Symposium (Rotterdam, Netherlands)