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Results of the 6FP "ENETRAP" on Radiation Protection Education and Training in Europe
By M. Coeck (SCK•CEN, Belgium), P. Livolsi (INSTN-CEA, France), S. Möbius (FZK-FTU, Germany), A. Schmitt-Hannig (BfS, Germany), A. Luciani (ENEA, Italy ), J. van der Steen (NRG, The Netherlands), M. Marco (CIEMAT, Spain), J. Stewart (HPA-RPD, U.K.)

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Occupational Exposures in France in 2006 (based on passive dosimetry)
By O. Couasnon, A. Despres, A. Rannou, IRSN, France

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Assessment of Occupational Exposure during Outages at the Dukovany NPP: Regulatory View
By D. Fuchsova, State Office for Nuclear Safety, Czech Republic

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Unified Dosimetry System: Management of workers' personal doses during JRC Ispra nuclear facilities’ Decommissioning Process
By D. Giuffrida, G. Macchi, C. Osimani (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Directorate, Italy), F. Roverso (Serco Belgium SA, Italy), S. Vanetti, F. Graboleda Castells (Iberdrola Ingenieria y Construccion, Spain)

pdf Gourram2008.pdf Popular

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EPR: Comparative approach of the French and Finnish instructions and optimization of radiation-protection at the design phase
By H. Gourram, O. Couasnon (IRSN, France), V. Riihiluoma (STUK, Finland), Y. Beneteau, J.-L. Foret (EDF CNEN), J.-M. Evrard (IRSN, France)

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Application of innovative measurement technology and procedures for the clearance of waste
By R. Handke-Rieso, RADOS Technology GmbH, Germany

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The use and level of the alpha value in Sweden
By S. Hennigor (Forsmark NPP), M. Gustafsson (Barsebäck NPP), Sweden

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Neutron dosimetry for transport casks for spent fuel
By M. Hjelm, Oskarshamn NPP, Sweden

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Field study of mechanochemical processing effect on natural quartzites to the purification efficiency of NPP’s aerosol release
By P. Hovhannisyan, Armenian NPP, Armenia

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Radiation Protection Requirements for new NPP in Switzerland at the during Licensing Procedure
By S.G. Jahn, R. Ahlfänger, H. Glasbrenner, Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (HSK), Switzerland

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Dose and Critical Job Time Reduction using Remote Monitoring at Nuclear Power Plants
By J. Kost, MGP Instruments, USA

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Quality Control in Personal Monitoring Service in TVO NPP
By A. Matilainen, Doseco Ltd, Finland

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Radiation Safety Assurance at the Czech Nuclear Plants: Regulatory Review
By J. Matzner, L. Urbančík, State Office for Nuclear Safety, Czech Republic

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Improvements in Beta Plastic Technology regarding Contamination Controls for Nuclear Power Plants
By S. Morgan, Oconee Nuclear Station, USA

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Feedback experience on using ISOE Network
By Virva Nilsson, Forsmarks NPP, Sweden

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Developments in Neutron Dosimetry
C. Perks, S. Faugouin (Landauer Europe, France), C.N. Passmore (Landauer Inc., USA), M. Million (Landauer Europe, France)

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Simple Extension of the Calibration Coefficients for a Gamma Count Rate Monitor
By L. Rantalainen, Fortum Nuclear Services Ltd, Finland

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15 % Power Uprate at KKL: Radiological Consequences
By A. Ritter, Leibstadt NPP, Switzerland
Distinguished Poster at 2008 ISOE European ALARA Symposium (Turku, Finland)

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Neutron Radiation in one of the six primary coolant pump pits a Loviisa VVER-440
By A. Tynkkynen, STUK, Finland