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Air Sampling Programmes for Managing Internal Exposures: Review of Key Practical Issues
G. A. Roberts, R. K. Bull, D. Spencer, Nuvia Ltd., UK
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

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Neutron Detection using a Gadolinium covered CdZnTe Detector
R. Coulon, V. Kondrasovs, J. Dumazert, K. Boudergui, CEA LIST, France
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

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How to correctly choose the List of Relevant Radionuclides to assess Dose Uptake by Workers?
G. Genard, B. Gonze, D. Hulhoven, S. Vanderperre, ENGIE Tractebel Engineering, Belgium
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

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Improving Occupational Radiation Exposure using ALARA Tools: Performance Indicators
V. Simionov, L. Samson, Cernavoda NPP, Romania
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

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Reactor Pressure Vessel Closure Head replacement of Belgian Tihange 3 and Doel 4 units – Follow-up and on-site dosimetry
B. Walschaerts, D. Hulhoven, V. Bouchat, S. Vanderperre, Tractebel ENGIE, Belgium
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)