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document Abela2008.ppt Popular

By 1844 downloads

The industrial gamma ray inspection: a global approach for a radiation protection issue
By G. Abela (EDF DIN), O. Couasnon (IRSN), C. Lefaure (Senior consultant), A. Biau (IRSN), F. Fournet (ASN), D. Paul (CEA Cadarache), B. Le Guen (EDF), P. Roine (INSTN), J. Gonnet (CEP Industrie), A. Laumond (EDF UTO), E. Martin (COFREND), France

document Ahier2008.ppt Popular

By 2129 downloads

The ISOE Occupational Exposure Database
By B. Ahier (OECD NEA), L. D’Ascenzo, C. Schieber (ISOE ETC, CEPN), France

document Bertin2008.ppt Popular

By 2306 downloads

ALARA Studies for EDF Nuclear Power Plants
By H. Bertin, F. Renard, P. Le Genti, EDF UTO, France

document Bourne2008.ppt Popular

By 1823 downloads

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Sustained Performance in Radiation Protection at Vogtle
By C. Bourne, I. Kochery, Vogtle NPP, USA
Distinguished Paper at 2007 ISOE North-American ALARA Symposium (Fort Lauderdale, USA)

document Bourne2_2008.ppt Popular

By 1835 downloads

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The Evolution of Remote Monitoring at Vogtle
By C. Bourne, Vogtle NPP, USA
Distinguished Paper at 2007 ISOE North-American ALARA Symposium (Fort Lauderdale, USA)

document Cameron2008.ppt Popular

By 1859 downloads

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ALARA Performance at OPG
By S. Cameron, Pickering B NPP, Canada

document Cameron2_2008.ppt Popular

By 1817 downloads

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Pickering ‘A’ Unit 4 Boiler 6 Hot Source
By S. Cameron, Pickering B NPP, Canada

document Coraca2008.ppt Popular

By 1827 downloads

Radiological Protection in EPR Design
By B. Coraça (EDF DIN), T. Vigan, Y. Bénéteau (EDF CNEN), France

document Daly2008.ppt Popular

By 1834 downloads

Braidwood Station Alternate Post Peroxide Cleanup Methodology
By P. Daly, Braidwood NPP, USA

document Deboodt2_2008.ppt Popular

By 2224 downloads

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The IAEA BSS Revision Status
By P. Deboodt, R. Czarwinski, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

document Fujii2008.ppt Popular

By 3869 downloads

Upgrading of personal dose evaluation with electronic personal dosemeters for Nuclear Power Plants
By Y. Fujii, S. Watanabe (Japan Atomic Power Company), Masakatsu Ootani, Koji Kodama (Nuclear Services Company), H. Kobayashi, K. Aoyama (Fuji Electric Systems Co. Ltd), Japan

document Garcier2008.ppt Popular

By 2100 downloads

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Radiation Protection Challenges at EDF
By Y. Garcier, EDF DPN, France

document Glasunov2008.ppt Popular

By 2016 downloads

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Occupational Exposure Dynamics in Different Types of Russian Nuclear Power Plants
By B. Bezrukov (Concern Energoatom), O. Bezrukova, V. Glasunov (VNIIAES), Russian Federation

document Glasunov2_2008.ppt Popular

By 1857 downloads

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Personnel Dose Control Computer based System
By B. Bezrukov (Concern Energoatom), V. Glasunov (VNIIAES), A. Druzyagin (RADICO), Russian Federation

document Ito2008.ppt Popular

By 1929 downloads

Measures for Reduction of Radiation Exposure at Higashidori Nuclear Power Station
By S. Ito, Tohoku Electric Power Co., Japan
Distinguished Paper at the 2008 International ALARA Symposium (Tsuruga, Japan)

document Lee2008.ppt Popular

By 3000 downloads

CCTV System for Radiation Work Management
By G.J. Lee, Yonggwang NPP, Korea
Distinguished Paper at 2007 ISOE Asian ALARA Symposium (Seoul, Korea)

document Lindvall2008.ppt Popular

By 3001 downloads

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Barsebäck Training and Research Centre: a new approach for a NPP Post-Operating Program
By Carl G. Lindvall and G. Larsson, Barsebäck NPP, Sweden
- Big File! -

document Lochard2008.ppt Popular

By 2604 downloads

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ALARA and Occupational Exposures: Experience and Challenges
By J. Lochard, OECD/NEA CRPPH Chair, CEPN, France

document Miller2008.ppt Popular

By 2141 downloads

Use of ISOE Work Management Report to Reduce Source Term at Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2
By D. Miller, ISOE NATC, USA

document Nilsson2_2008.ppt Popular

By 1810 downloads

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Education and Training of Radiation Protection Officers in Sweden
By V. Nilsson, Forsmark NPP, Sweden
Distinguished Paper at the 2008 ISOE European ALARA Symposium (Turku, Finland)

document Nishimura2008.ppt Popular

By 2007 downloads

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Zinc Injection from Hot Functional Test in Tomari Unit 3
By T. Nishimura, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan

document Ohr2_2008.ppt Popular

By 2215 downloads

Moving Beyond Time, Distance and Shielding: Developing the Concept of Organizational ALARA
By K. Ohr, Quad Cities NPP, USA
Distinguished Paper at 2007 ISOE North-American ALARA Symposium (Fort Lauderdale, USA)

document Simionov2_2008.ppt Popular

By 1864 downloads

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Internal exposure at Cernavoda NPP
By V. Simionov, C. Chitu, Cernavoda NPP, Romania

document Taira2008.ppt Popular

By 1763 downloads

TEPCO's In-house Competition for Improving Radiation Protection Skills
By J. Taira, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Japan

document Takagi2008.ppt Popular

By 1856 downloads

Efforts to Reduce Radiation Exposure at the Takahama Power Station
By M. Takagi, Takahama NPP, Japan

document Urata2008.ppt Popular

By 1910 downloads

Reduction of Radiation Exposure at Aged BWR Plants by Water Chemistry
By H. Urata, K. Yamazaki, Toshiba Corporation, Japan

document Wada2008.ppt Popular

By 1864 downloads

Dose reduction actions in Tsuruga 2 NPP
By H. Wada, Y. Hamanaka, M. Fukuda (Japan Atomic Power Company), T. Yoshinaga, E. Sanehira, M. Yano, K. Hayashi (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.), F. Nakao, Y. Uni (NUSEC - Nuclear Plant Service Engineering Co., Ltd), Japan