The ISOE 2 Database is composed of ISOE 2 Static and ISOE 2 Dynamic questionnaires.
The ISOE 2 questionnaire data were collected for the first time in 2003.
However, due to the small number of questionnaires available in the database, the ISOE Management Board decided in 2011 to stop data collection and to keep existing questionnaires as pdf files on the RP library of ISOE Network.
ISOE Dynamic
This type of questionnaire is linked to an outage and contains information on hot spot, CRUD, decontamination…
ISOE Static
This type of questionnaire (1 per reactor unit) contains data on characteristics of the reactors (component materials, chemistry...).
Please pay attention to the given year of the last update. You are invited to contact the contact-person of plant unit for additional information.