The Practices and Researches of HYH Plant Optimized Radiation ProtectionG. Song, Hongyanhe NPP, China2021 ISOE ETC Symposium (Virtual Symposium)
EDF's Eyes Lens Doses Study: Methodology, Results and Strategy chosen for Interventions in an Industrial EnvironmentM. Karst, EDF UNIE-GPEX, France2021 ISOE ETC Symposium (Virtual Symposium)
Practical Implications of the New Dose Limit to the Lens of the Eye at Forsmark NPPA.S. Gustafsson, Forsmark NPP, Sweden2021 ISOE ETC Symposium (Virtual Symposium)
Radiation Protection Assessments and Planning: terms, purpose, objectives and reasons, procedures, tools, competencesS.G. Jahn, ENSI, Switzerland2021 ISOE ETC Symposium (Virtual Symposium)
The New Monetary Value System of the person.Sievert at EDFT. Jobert, EDF DIPNN DT, France2021 ISOE ETC Symposium (Virtual Symposium)
Management of Radiological Contamination - Feedback Experience from several ISOE UtilitiesL.A. Beltrami, E. Lafranque, L. Vaillant, ISOE ETC - CEPN, France2021 ISOE ETC Symposium (Virtual Symposium)
Impact of Radon on Personal Contamination Monitors at the Exit of the RCA in EDF NPP’sM. Karst, EDF UNIE-GPEX, France2021 ISOE ETC Symposium (Virtual Symposium)
Blayais NPP (France) Drain Pipe EventJ. Bonnefon, EDF DIPDE, France2021 ISOE ETC Symposium (Virtual Symposium)
Radiation Protection Status in the NPP of FukushimaT. Suzuki, Chiyoda Technol Corp., Tokyo Electric Power Company, Japan2021 ISOE ETC Symposium (Virtual Symposium)
Improvements of the Emergency Radiation Protection Arrangements at the Tihange NPPB. Lance, Tihange NPP, Belgium2021 ISOE ETC Symposium (Virtual Symposium)
Application of Reference Dose Levels for Radiological Emergencies at Forsmark NPPS. Ahlgren, Forsmark NPP, Sweden2021 ISOE ETC Symposium (Virtual Symposium)