Folder Session 4: Source-Term Management


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CZT Technology Application at EDF for Better Radiation Protection and Nuclear Plant Surveillance
By J. Bonnefon, G. Ranchoux, L. Guinard (EDF SEPTEN), A. Rocher (EDF UNIE), L. Piotrowski (EDF R&D), S. Blond (EDF DPN/EM), G. Cordier (EDF DPI), France

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EPRTM Reactor Activity Management: Design Performance and Chemistry Program
By M.-H. Clinard, P. Jolivet, N. Engler, F. Chahma, AREVA NP, France

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BWR System Surface Contamination: Three Decades of Nuclide Specific Measurements
By M. Olsson, Forsmark NPP, Sweden

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EDF Source Term Reduction Project Main Outcomes and Further Developments
By G. Ranchoux, J. Bonnefon, M. Benfarah (EDF SEPTEN), M. Wintergerst, F. Gressier, P. Varry (EDF CEIDRE), S. Leclercq (EDF R&D), S. Blond (EDF DPN/EM), G. Cordier (EDF DPI), France

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Radiation Protection Aspects of Water Chemistry and Source-Term Management with a View of an ISOE Expert Group
By A. Rocher (EDF UNIE, France), L. Vaillant (CEPN, France), G. Ranchoux (EDF SEPTEN, France), H.B. Okyar (OECD/NEA, France), M. Olsson (Vattenfall, Sweden), I. Smieško (ENEL, Slovak Republic), D. Miller (NATC, USA), W. Harris (Exelon, USA), D. Wells (EPRI, USA)

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Impact of Operational Events on Particulate Transport and Radiation Fields
By D. Wells (EPRI, USA)