Folder Monitoring & Dosimetry


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Air Sampling Programmes for Managing Internal Exposures: Review of Key Practical Issues
By G. A. Roberts, R. K. Bull, D. Spencer, Nuvia Ltd., UK
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

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ALARA tools: Source Term Control at CNE Cernavoda
C. Chitu, A. Nedelcu, Cernavoda NPP, Romania
2019 ISOE International Symposium (Beijing, China)

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ALARA tools: Source Term Control at CNE Cernavoda
C. Chitu, A. Nedelcu, Cernavoda NPP, Romania
2022 ISOE International Symposium (Tours, France)

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Internal Dose Assessments at Forsmark NPP
L. Ekerljung, Forsmark NPP, Sweden
2018 ISOE European Symposium (Uppsala, Sweden)

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External and Internal Individual Monitoring of Occupationally Exposed Workers at CNAAA 1 and CNAAA 2 Nuclear Power Plants
By C. L. P. Mauricio, B. M. Dantas, J. Hunt (IRD), Brazil
2015 ISOE International Symposium (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

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Centralized Monitoring and Management Practice of Occupational Exposure in CGN
E. Yu, China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN), China
2019 ISOE International Symposium (Beijing, China)