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video Anderson2014-2.ppt Popular

By 2561 downloads

Response to Fukushima in the US: FLEX (movie)
By E. Anderson, Nuclear Energy Institute, USA
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Backstrom2014.ppt Popular

By 2379 downloads

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Equivalent Dose to the Lens of the Eye at Nuclear Industrial Workplaces and Shielding Factors for Protective Eye Wear - Measurements and Calculations
By L. Bäckström, K. Andgren (Vattenfall Research & Development AB), Sweden
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Barton2014.ppt Popular

By 1770 downloads

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Exelon’s Careful and Critical Comparison of Two Source Term Reduction Methods Implemented at Byron-1 and Braidwood-1
By B. Barton (Byron NPP), USA
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Baureus-Koch2014.ppt Popular

By 1872 downloads

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New Electronic Dosimeter System and Electronic Personal Dosimeter at Oskarshamn NPP
By C. Bauréus Koch, M. Hjelm (Oskarshamn NPP), Sweden
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Beer-Hite2014.ppt Popular

By 1549 downloads

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Cook Alpha Program Implementation Results & Areas for Improvement
By J. Beer (Cook NPP), USA
presented by B. Hite (Cook NPP), USA
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Boudergui2014.ppt Popular

By 1635 downloads

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New Monitoring System to Detect a Radioactive Material in Motion
By K. Boudergui, V. Kondrasovs, R. Coulon, G. Corre, S. Normand (CEA LIST), France
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Brunefors2014.ppt Popular

By 1986 downloads

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Radiation Protection Aspects of Fuel Handling Incident at Forsmark NPP
By B. Brunefors, S. Hennigor, P. Brandelind, F. Svensson (Forsmark NPP), Sweden
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Canal-Romane2014.ppt Popular

By 1774 downloads

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Measures Taken to Avoid the Non-Perception of Alarms from EPD
By E. Canal, J. Fazileabasse, N. Valendru (EDF UNIE-GPRE), P. Romane (Chinon NPP), France
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Carlier2014.ppt Popular

By 1842 downloads

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Practical Application of Computer Code PANTHERE for Workers’ Radiation Protection
By P. Carlier, X. Michoux, C. Lereculey (EDF CIPN), France
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Conclusions from the RB Meeting Popular

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Conclusions from the Regulatory Body Representatives Meeting
held in Bern on 8 April 2014
By S.-G. Jahn, ENSI, Switzerland
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Conclusions from the RPM Meeting Popular

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Conclusions from the Radiation Protection Managers Meeting
held in Bern on 8 April 2014
By M. Lunn, Sizewell B NPP, United Kingdom
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Courageot2014.ppt Popular

By 1748 downloads

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CERNUM: an Advanced Training Tool in the Service of Radiation Protection. 2013 First Applications: Simulation of Irradiating Source
By E. Courageot, E. Gaillard-Lecanu, R. Kutschera, G. Le Meur (EDF R&D), France
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Drouet2014.ppt Popular

By 1916 downloads

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EDF Industrial Program of Maintenance: Impact on the Collective Dose and Subsequent ALARA Actions
By F. Drouet, C. Pignot (EDF UNIE-GPRE), S. Blond (EDF DPN), France
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Ekerljung2014.ppt Popular

By 1611 downloads

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An Investigation of the Distribution of Alpha Airborne Radioactivity at Forsmark NPP
By L. Ekerljung, M. Olsson (Forsmark NPP), Sweden
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Fritioff-Andresz2014.ppt Popular

By 1739 downloads

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Organisation of an ALARA Benchmarking in Swedish Nuclear Power Plants
By K. Fritioff (Vattenfall Research & Development AB, Sweden), M. Carlson (Ringhals NPP, Sweden), S. Hennigor (Forsmark NPP, Sweden), S. Andresz, C. Schieber (CEPN, France)
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Fritioff-Solstrand2014.ppt Popular

By 1882 downloads

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Ongoing Work to Enhance Post-Accident Radiation Protection at Swedish Nuclear Power Plants
By K. Fritioff (Vattenfall Research & Development AB), S. Hennigor (Forsmark NPP), M. Carlson (Ringhals NPP), C. Solstrand (Oskarshamn NPP), I. Svantesson (SKB AB), Sweden
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Glasbrenner2014.ppt Popular

By 1889 downloads

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Source Term Reduction via Water Chemistry as one Part of the Integrated Regulatory Supervision of Radiation Protection in Swiss Nuclear Facilities
By H. Glasbrenner (ENSI), Switzerland
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Hale2014.ppt Popular

By 2386 downloads

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Radiation Protection in Design of the UK EPR
By H. Hale (Nuclear New Build (NNB), UK), J.B. Richard (EDF, France)
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Hansson2014.ppt Popular

By 1621 downloads

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Regulatory Supervision of Respiratory Protection
By P. Hansson (SSM), Sweden
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Harris2014.ppt Popular

By 2543 downloads

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Corporate Radiation Protection Dose Excellence Plan at Exelon Nuclear
By W. Harris (Exelon Nuclear), USA
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf He2014-2.ppt Popular

By 1711 downloads

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Polaris Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometers
By Z. He (University of Michigan), USA
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Hellmann2014.ppt Popular

By 1577 downloads

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High Pressure Water Decontamination at The Nuclear Power Plant Philippsburg
By M. Hellmann (Philippsburg NPP), Germany
Distinguished Paper at the 2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Hernvall2014.ppt Popular

By 1752 downloads

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ALARA Management Measures and Experience in Post Handling of Replaced Pressurizer from Ringhals 4
By E. Hernvall, T. Svedberg (Ringhals NPP), Sweden
Distinguished Paper at the 2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Hite2014-2.ppt Popular

By 1666 downloads

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Innovation is Alive & Well in Radiation Protection - CZT with Critical Surveys
By B. Hite (Cook NPP), USA
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Johansson2014.ppt Popular

By 1853 downloads

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Ringhals - ALARA Performance Indicators
By M. Johansson (Ringhals NPP), Sweden
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Lunn2014.ppt Popular

By 2397 downloads

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Conditioning of Intermediate Level Resin by Dewatering: A Novel Experience for the UK
By M. Lunn (Sizewell B NPP), UK
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Maurer2014.ppt Popular

By 1544 downloads

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Sphere Cage: Reinforcement of the Means of Dynamic Containment to Guarantee the Habitability of the Reactor Building during Outages in EDF Nuclear Power Plants
By J.E. Maurer (Tricastin NPP), P. Bignon, G. Foy, E. Piegay (DELTA NEU), France
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Michelet2014.ppt Popular

By 2293 downloads

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Reactor Cavity Decontamination Improvements at EDF
By M. Michelet (EDF UNIE-GPRE), S. Blond (EDF DPN), France
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Miller2014-2.ppt Popular

By 2442 downloads

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US Countermeasures for Fukushima Accident Lessons Learned
By D. Miller (NATC), USA
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Neukater2014.ppt Popular

By 1898 downloads

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Design of Transport Container for the Reduction of Occupational Exposure
By E. Neukäter (Mühleberg NPP), Switzerland
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Okyar2014-3.ppt Popular

By 1773 downloads

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ISOE Expert Group Report on Occupational Radiation Protection in Severe Accident Management
By H.B. Okyar, T. Lazo, OECD NEA, France
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Perier2014.ppt Popular

By 1616 downloads

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Study of the 133Xe Exposure
By A. Perier (Subatech, Ecole des Mines), E. Courageot, E. Gaillard-Lecanu, G. Le Meur, C. Monier (EDF R&D), D. Thers (Subatech, Ecole des Mines), France
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Perkins2014-4.ppt Popular

By 1664 downloads

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Primary System Activity and Impact on Radiation Fields
By D. Perkins (EPRI), USA
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Ranchoux2014.ppt Popular

By 1852 downloads

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60Co Contamination Overview on EDF Fleet
By G. Ranchoux, M. Benfarah (EDF SEPTEN), F. Drouet (EDF UNIE-GPRE), F. Dacquait (CEA Cadarache), L. Guinard (EDF SEPTEN), France
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Rocher2014.ppt Popular

By 1518 downloads

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Radiation Protection Aspects of Water Chemistry and Source-Term Management
By A. Rocher, G. Ranchoux, G. Abela (EDF, France), L. Vaillant (CEPN, France), D. Wells, D. Perkins (EPRI, USA), M. Olsson (Vattenfall, Sweden), I. Smieško (ENEL, Slovak Republic), D. Miller (NATC, USA), W. Harris (Exelon, USA), H.B. Okyar (OECD/NEA, France)
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Sanchez2014.ppt Popular

By 1959 downloads

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Investigations into Surface Treatment Methods for Reduction of Recontamination of BWR Reactor Systems
By B. Stellwag (AREVA GmbH, Germany), J. Sanchez Zapata (Cofrentes NPP, Spain), A. Basu, S. Hoffmann-Wankerl, L. Sempere Belda (AREVA Gmbh, Germany), Tomas Berasaluce (Cofrentes NPP, Spain)
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Sempere-Belda2014.ppt Popular

By 2187 downloads

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Decontamination of the 4 Steam Generators, Loop Lines and Pressurizer for Decommissioning - Experience at the NPP Chooz A in France
By S. Reymann, P. Moreira do Amaral, R. Neuhaus, L. Sempere-Belda, A. Basu (AREVA GmbH), Germany
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Simionov2014.ppt Popular

By 1988 downloads

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Improvements in ALARA Management at Cernavoda NPP
By V. Simionov, I. Popescu (Cernavoda NPP), Romania
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)

pdf Tran2014.ppt Popular

By 2954 downloads

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EPRI Alpha Monitoring and Control Guidelines, Revision 2
By P. Tran (EPRI), USA
2014 ISOE European Symposium (Bern, Switzerland)