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Industrial radiography and radiation protection
By G. Abela (EDF DIN), O. Couasnon (IRSN), C. Lefaure (Senior consultant), A. Biau (IRSN), F. Fournet (ASN), D. Paul (CEA Cadarache), B. Le Guen (EDF), P. Roine (INSTN), J. Gonnet (CEP Industrie), A. Laumond (EDF UTO), E. Martin (COFREND), France

pdf Bertin2008.pdf Popular

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ALARA Studies for EDF Nuclear Power Plants
By H. Bertin, F. Renard, P. Le Genti, EDF UTO, France

pdf Coraca2008.pdf Popular

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The EPR Radiation Protection Stakes
By B. Coraça (EDF DIN), T. Vigan, Y. Bénéteau (EDF CNEN), France

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The IAEA BSS Revision Status
By P. Deboodt, R. Czarwinski, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

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Upgrading of personal dose evaluation with electronic personal dosemeters for Nuclear Power Plants
By Y. Fujii, S. Watanabe (Japan Atomic Power Company), Masakatsu Ootani, Koji Kodama (Nuclear Services Company), H. Kobayashi, K. Aoyama (Fuji Electric Systems Co. Ltd), Japan

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Occupational Exposure Dynamics in Different Types of Russian Nuclear Power Plants
By B. Bezrukov (Concern Energoatom), O. Bezrukova, V. Glasunov (VNIIAES), Russian Federation

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Personnel Dose Control Computer based System
By B. Bezrukov (Concern Energoatom), V. Glasunov (VNIIAES), A. Druzyagin (RADICO), Russian Federation

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Barsebäck Test & Maintenance and ALARA Centre
By Carl G. Lindvall and G. Larsson, Barsebäck NPP, Sweden

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Education and Training of Radiation Protection Officers in Sweden
By V. Nilsson, Forsmark NPP, Sweden
Distinguished Paper at the 2008 ISOE European ALARA Symposium (Turku, Finland)

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Internal exposure at Cernavoda NPP
By V. Simionov, C. Chitu, Cernavoda NPP, Romania

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TEPCO's In-house Competition for Improving Radiation Protection Skills
By J. Taira, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Japan

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Efforts to Reduce Radiation Exposure at the Takahama Power Station
By M. Takagi, Takahama NPP, Japan